PHP & JavaScript Room :: 設置サンプル








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            $("#rgrp input[type=radio]").click(function(){
               var val=this.value;
               var prefix=$.fn.VendorPrefix();
               var rint = Math.round(0xffffff * Math.random());
               var rgb='rgb(' + (rint >> 16) + ',' + (rint >> 8 & 255) + ',' + (rint & 255) + ')';
               var $obj=$("<p>Sample</p>").appendTo("#sample");
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   <body id='example3' class='example'><div class="ads" style="margin:32px auto;text-align:center;"></div><h1 class='h'><a href='/'>PHP &amp; JavaScript Room</a> :: 設置サンプル</h1>
<h3 class='h'>実行結果</h3>
      <div id="wrap">
<!-- CODE -->
         <p id="rgrp">
            <label for="r1"><input type="radio" name="r" id="r1" value="myani" checked="checked">myani</label> 
            <label for="r2"><input type="radio" name="r" id="r2" value="myani2">myani2</label>
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<!-- CODE / -->